What are my Next Steps?
At Harvest, we believe that God has a plan for you in His Church. Whether you are a first time guest or have been a long-time member, we believe God would have you take the next step in your relationship with Him and His church. Wherever you are spiritually, Harvest would love to come alongside you and help you take that step.

An invitation to see what Christianity is all about and commit your life to Christ and His church. Hebrews 10: 24-25 tells us to meet together and encourage our fellow believers unto love and good works. We encourage you to connect to God and His Family. Join us at Harvest as we worship together:
- Sunday Services
- True Community Groups
- Foundations Class
- Connect with us
An invitation to become established in the essentials of the Christian faith and growth. 2 Peter 3:18 tells us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Harvest preaching and teaching is always grounded on the Word of God. At Harvest, you will find many great ways to grow in the knowledge of our Savior.
- Sunday Sermons
- True Community Groups
- Bible Studies
- Harvest Family Radio

An invitation to use our gifts in ministry service. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus commands us to let our light shine before others, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven. Every believer is equipped and called to serve in some capacity. As believers we are most satisfied when we live out the very reason for our creation – giving God the glory He deserves. Check out the many ways to serve others at Harvest below.
- Childrens Ministries
- Teens Ministries
- Bus Ministries
- Harvest House
- Prison Ministries
- Hospitality Work
An invitation to a lifetime of going – caring for people, sharing our faith and building bridges for the Gospel, across our island and around the world. In Mark 16:15 we are commanded to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Harvest equips and guides believers to go and spread the good news. Learn more about our missions support and missionaries here.