The congregation of Harvest Baptist Church supports a number of missionaries locally (Guam), regionally (Micronesia, Asia, and Oceania) and globally. Search for a specific missionary using the table below and use the contact link to send them an encouraging note today!
The HeBrews Worldwide Cafe was established to provide customers with coffee drinks and baked treats. All funds not used for operating expenses from the coffee shop are given to worldwide missions.
Harvest Supported Missions
Name | Location | Contact |
Peter & Jessica Blake | Australia | Send an email |
Hye Ree Park | Bible Translation | bmm.org |
Tom & Carol Phillips | Church Assistance | bcpusa.org |
Mike & Sophia Abbe | Chuuk | Send an email |
Dalton & Brenda Heath | Field Administrator | wwntbm.com |
Rhonda Green | Guam | bmm.org |
Bryan & Amy Lenartz | Japan | Send an email |
Dan & Sharon Roberts | Japan | Send an email |
Helmer & Belinda Lang | Majuro | Send an email |
Mark Kittrell (PRMI) | Pacific Region | pacificrimmissions.org |
John & Jamie Zimmer | Palau | Send an email |
Jon & Heather Clapp | Palau | Send an email |
Salomon & Davelyn David | Pohnpei | Send an email |
Clayton & Linda Eliam | Pohnpei | wwntbm.com |
William Joel | Pohnpei | wwntbm.com |
Sonny & Lihna Padock | Pohnpei | Send an email |
Jodi Harrison | Spain | bmm.org |
Nate & Ma’am Beckman | Thailand | bmm.org |
Joseph & Garthea Henson | USA | pacific-breezes.com |
Les & Charlene Ollila | USA | bgleaders.org |
George & Kathy Ross | USA | twr.org |
James & Masency Layomai | Yap | Send an email |
Rolance & Chelyn Lug | Yap | Send an email |
Mark & Diane Zimmer | Yap | wwntbm.com |
Paul & Sherry Zimmer | Yap | wwntbm.com |
Phil & Lori Hunt | Zambia | ibmglobal.org |