Behold Our God

Starting on September 9, 2018, we began a five-part series in the book of Isaiah.

A.W. Tozer said, “What you think about God is the most important thing about you.” Whether we realize it or not, our entire lives revolve around our view of God. Most people have a very small God – which is the reason many have a surface faith and very little passion for God or for spiritual things.

In this series, we attempted to scale some of the highest peaks of scripture as they relate to the greatness of God. If you have noticed that your spiritual fervor has grown a little weak – perhaps, as Isaiah suggests, you may need a renewed view of the majesty of God!

Audio files are linked by sermon title below. To download, right click on the file name and “Save link as” or “Save file as.”

9/9/18Comprehending His AwesomenessAudioVideoNotes
9/16/18Trusting His SovereigntyAudioVideoNotes
9/30/18Gripped by His WorksAudioVideoNotes
10/7/18Bowing Before His HolinessAudioVideoNotes
10/14/18Falling To Our Faces in WorshipAudioVideoNotes